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Alexandra Kirsch
Alexandra Kirsch
Seeking Speech Therapy Solutions for A Homeschooling Child

My little girl is 5 years old and has faced challenges with articulation and language processing since she was very young. Recently, she's also begun to stutter occasionally when sharing stories or recounting her day, which has added another layer of complexity to her speech development.

We homeschool her, and for over a year, she benefited immensely from speech therapy at our local public school. The progress she made during that time was remarkable, and it gave us hope and confidence in her ability to overcome her speech challenges. However, our recent move has thrown a bit of a wrench into things. The new state we moved to didn't recognize her previous evaluations and, as a result, deemed her ineligible for further support. This has been incredibly frustrating and disheartening because we know how beneficial that support was for her.

While her speech has definitely improved since we started therapy, she still needs some assistance to reach her full potential. Without the support we previously had, I’m now exploring ways to help her at home. However, I’ve found that private therapy options are either fully booked or beyond our budget, making it difficult to find a feasible solution.

Here are some specific challenges we’re facing:

Articulation Issues: She struggles with certain sounds and often gets frustrated when she can't make herself understood.

Language Processing: She sometimes has difficulty processing and responding to language, which affects her ability to follow instructions and engage in conversations.

Stuttering: Recently, she has begun to stutter occasionally, especially when she's excited or trying to share a story. This is a new challenge for us, and I'm not entirely sure how to address it.

Given these challenges, I’m seeking advice on several fronts. Are there any effective at-home strategies or exercises we can use to support her speech development? Are there any online resources or programs that you’ve found helpful? I’ve read about various apps and online platforms, but it’s hard to know which ones are truly effective.

Understanding Goals and Focus Areas

Before diving into specific strategies, it's essential to understand the goals your daughter had at her previous school or the areas you're now focusing on. Common goals for children with articulation and language processing issues often include:

  1. Articulation of Specific Sounds: For example, the "r", "s", "l", or "th" sounds.
  2. Language Processing: Understanding and using language effectively, including following directions, answering questions, and storytelling.
  3. Fluency: Addressing stuttering and ensuring smooth speech.

Strategies for Home Support

Articulation Practice

  1. Visual and Auditory Cues: Use mirrors so your daughter can see how her mouth moves when making specific sounds. Pair this with auditory cues, such as listening to the correct pronunciation.
  2. Repetition and Consistency: Practice the targeted sounds daily. Use flashcards or word lists that contain these sounds.
  3. Games and Apps: Numerous speech therapy apps offer interactive articulation practice. Some recommended ones include "Articulation Station" and "Speech Blubs."

Language Processing Activities

  1. Storytelling: Encourage your daughter to tell stories about her day. Prompt her with questions to keep her narrative going and help her structure her thoughts.
  2. Following Directions: Create simple games that involve following multi-step directions. For example, "First, jump three times, then touch your nose."
  3. Interactive Reading: Read books together and ask open-ended questions about the story. This helps with comprehension and expressive language.

Addressing Stuttering

  1. Model Slow Speech: Speak slowly and clearly to model a relaxed speaking pace. Encourage her to do the same without pressuring her.
  2. Turn-Taking: Use games that involve turn-taking, which can reduce the pressure to speak quickly.
  3. Positive Reinforcement: Praise her efforts and successes in speaking clearly, rather than focusing on the stuttering itself.

Additional Resources

  1. Online Speech Therapy Programs: Websites like "Home Speech Home" and "Mommy Speech Therapy" offer free resources and printable activities.
  2. Support Groups: Online forums and Facebook groups for parents of children with speech challenges can provide advice and support.
  3. Library Resources: Check out books and DVDs about speech therapy techniques from your local library.


Supporting your daughter's speech development at home is entirely possible with the right tools and strategies. Focus on articulation, language processing, and fluency through consistent practice, interactive activities, and positive reinforcement. Utilize online resources and community support to enhance your efforts. Remember, patience and encouragement are key as your daughter continues her speech journey.

Feel free to reach out for more specific guidance or resources tailored to your daughter's needs. You're doing an incredible job advocating for her and seeking the best ways to support her growth.